Mikuni Diaphragms

Diaphragm rubber only, no slide.
Diaphragm and slide
Model Year Model Year
DRZ400 00-08 SR250 All years
GS500 89-08 XS400 77-79
GSX600F 88-97 XS500 76-77
GSXR600 92-00 XV535 90-00
RF600 94-96 XS650 70-83
GSX750F 89-06 XJ900 83
GSXR750 89-97 XS1100 78-81
RF900 94-97 FJ1100 84-86
GSX1100 SHAFT 91-93 VMAX 1100 85-07
GSXR1100 89-98 FJ1200 86-93
GSF1200 BANDIT 97-06
VL1500 98-04
Mikuni diaphragm
Show and Go Motorcycles
2/53 Oaklands  Road
Somerton Park. South Australia 5044
T.0418 511 469 (International 61 8 8376 0333)